The Courier Movie Story
The Courier is an upcoming Hollywood historical drama film starring Benedict Cumberbatch, Rachel Brosnahan, Jessie Buckley, Merab Ninidze, Angus Wright, and Kirill Pirogov. The movie is based on the true story of the British businessman Greville Wynne, an MI-6 agent, and Soviet spy Oleg Penkovsky who helped the CIA infiltrate the Soviet nuclear program, providing crucial intelligence to end the Cuban Missile Crisis.
The Courier Movie Cast
- Benedict Cumberbatch as Greville Wynne
- Rachel Brosnahan as Emily Donovan
- Jessie Buckley as Sheila Wynne
- Merab Ninidze as Oleg Penkovsky
- Angus Wright as Dickie Franks
- Kirill Pirogov
- Keir Hills as Andrew Wynne
- Jonathan Harden as Leonard
- Aleksandr Kotjakovs as Soviet Officer
- Olga Koch as Irisa
Directed by
- Dominic Cooke
Produced by
- Dominic Cooke
- Tom O’Connor
- Ben Pugh
- Rory Aitken
- Adam Ackland
- Josh Varney
- Leah Clarke
Written by
- Tom O’Connor
- Sean Bobbitt
Edited by
- Gareth C. Scales
Production Company
- Film Nation Entertainment
- SunnyMarch
Distributed by
- Roadside Attractions
- Lionsgate
The Courier Movie Release Date
- The Courier is set to release on August 28, 2020, in the United States.
Official Trailer
Coming Soon
The Courier Movie Review
Coming Soon